A Great Big Thank You

We appreciate the thousands of customers who have reached out to us inquiring about our well being personally and with the business. Hurricane Irma did indeed impact the Space Coast with high winds, rain and tornadoes, but compared to other parts of the country and world, we were very lucky.

All three of our factories and warehouses cam through unscathed. We did lose power for a few days and lost some production time, but we are back in business.

For our customers that had to wait a few days longer than usual, I thank you for your patience. We have caught up now and you can expect your retail orders to go out as per our goal … within 24 hours on working days.

As for other parts of Florida and Texas (Hurricane Harvey) our hearts go out to them. We have shipped hundreds of gallons of shampoo and body wash to the Houston area and plan on doing the same for those in the Florida Keys.

We have also stepped up our donations to the Sea Turtle Preservation Society to help that recovery effort. We also just became a sponsor of the Marine Science Program at Space Coast High School. Jennifer Cotton has a tremendous program going and leads her students and their shark tracking project. Efforts from Ms. Cotton are resulting in new insights regarding that exotic and misunderstood animal.

So, our heartfelt thanks to all of you for thinking about us. The outpouring of concern was overwhelming. Proof positive that even though we have been in business for more than 25 years, we’re still a big, loving family.


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