Back to School Tips for Parents
Arranging for kids to go back to school can be very stressful for parents, here are some helpful tips to get you and the kids organized for the school year:
- Re-establish healthy eating and sleeping patterns. (at least a week prior to school actually starting)
- Take time to visit the school prior to classes starting. Your child will be able to look around and get comfortable with the new change (especially if it's a new school). And, take time to introduce your child to their teacher. This should help with the anxious feelings kids often feel on the first day.
- Create an organization station. It can include: schedules, homework, pictures, important reminders, chores and etc. This will help keep everyone well organized throughout the school year.
- Make back to school shopping fun. Allow your kids to help pick out some of their favorite supplies, this will keep them motivated throughout the day.
- Let your kids help prepare their own lunches. Allow them to pack at least one or two of their favorite things. This will increase the chances of your kids actually eating their lunch!
- Lastly, throw a 'Back to school party' for your kids and their friends. That way they can feel good about returning to school!
We all know how busy it can be preparing your kids for back to school, we hope you find these tips helpful. I wish you and your family a happy and successful school year!
All the best,
Lindsey Barber
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